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Introduction to SEO What is it, and what it is for? - BOSS SOLUTION

October 1, 2020


Brief Introduction to SEO

One of the topics that swarm the most in the marketer blogging environment is undoubtedly SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for both on-page and off-page. But what is it and what is it for? Next, we will see these topics. And I will also tell you about some experts in the field that you should know.
When we talk about SEO, we refer to a set of improvements inside and outside our website. And it will expand to position our website in search engines. The measures we take as bloggers to appear in the top positions of Google, Bing, Yahoo !, etc.

Why Need SEO?

Although almost as a general rule, most of the articles that appear on the internet are focused on Google as it is the most used search engine on the net, although there is certainly life outside of it.
Still, let’s take a look at what sources say about the search engine developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It is impossible to determine the number of elements that Google considers to place the web in first positions.

However, experts in the field theorize that it takes into account more than 200 factors, including SEO copywriting, loading speed, links that enter and leave the web, and so on.
To achieve this, Google has several algorithms, among which Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and Pigeon stand out. I’m not going to wind you up with so much information about what each Google algorithm does, but if you want to complement the reading, I recommend you go to the note on the link.

What are SEO and a bit of history?

As I said above, we call SEO to that set of measures that we take so that our website can appear in the first positions of the search engines. It is an organic positioning, that is, you must give no payment to appear there, unlike SEM, from English, Search Engine Marketing.

Perhaps the term sounds novel, especially if you are starting in the world of web optimization, however, since the 90s.  We do not know what year the term Search Engine Optimization was adopted, but according to some sources, it was said that it was in 1997. This year, SEO pioneer Danny Sullivan coined the phrase search engine optimization during a talk with his team.

In a basic way, there are two types of SEO, the one that is done on-page, that is, all the actions that are carried out within your website, and the off-page, which are off the page.
Next, I will give you some actions that you can carry out to optimize your SEO on and off-page.
Of course, you must keep in mind that these are not the only factors you should consider; however, they are the most common to improve.

SEO on-page, Create quality content

The global tip on every digital marketing blog:

In a previous note, we reviewed what it means to create quality content.
But if you don’t have time to read the other entry –although I recommend it-, I define it like this:
Quality content is any product that you have on your website that leaves your visitors satisfied.
For Google, quality content is a long text (more than 300 words), well written, and containing the necessary information to satisfy your visitors.

Make a keyword strategy.

Before starting any blog, it does not matter if it is digital marketing or not; it is essential to make a keyword strategy.
But what does this mean? Simple, it is about searching for those words with which your blog will position itself in Google.
In the video below, you will have a better idea of ​​how to search for your keywords.

Check your page URLs

Perhaps one of the factors that few pay attention to is the URLs of your web page, that is, the addresses where the content is located.
Often URLs are spelled sloppily or with strange symbols, and believe it or not, all of that penalizes your blog. It is best to include friendly URLs, that is, those that can be read naturally, for example:

Unfriendly URL:
Friendly URL:

Taking care of the loading speed of your website.

Last, in this section, but no less important, we have your website’s loading speed.
According to the experts, for Google, the time it takes for your blog or website to display its content is a determining factor.  According to some sources, the ideal loading time should be between 1 to 5 seconds, more than that, and your blog would already have a regular to slow load.

To optimize this, you first need to know what is happening: what elements are decreasing the page’s performance. You can find this out through some tools such as Google’s Page Speed ​​Insight or Pingdom’s. Bear in mind that, when running an analysis in these tools, errors may be marked that cannot be corrected without damaging your website. So before you move the code and cause a fatal error, it is better to consult an expert for your site.

Final recommendation

Remember that to know how your blog is, you can always do an SEO audit. In the note that is in the link, I leave you the necessary steps to carry out one. Eye! You can also do your audit with some web tools, likesite checker or the tool thatNeil Patel offers on his blog. If you want to know the most common errors that affect your positioning, I leave you a very interesting note in the link.

SEO off-page

Now that we know some of the improvements that we can make within our website to improve SEO, let’s go with the off-page. I will not tell a lie to you, this can be one of the most complicated parts of SEO, and that is that unlike on-page, there are large parts here that do not depend on us. Remember that, like the other section (SEO on-page), this is a simple approach to give you an idea of ​​how it works. I will have full notes on this later.

Make Link building

Inbound links or link building are all those links that enter your website, that is:
If your site is www.mysite.com and someone links to www.othersite.com, then you already have a backlink. These backlinks are important because the more relevant pages you have, the more authority your website will have before Google.

It would help if you kept in mind that not all links work and that excessive growth or “suspicious” pages link you, then the search could penalize you. There are several ways to get these links, among which are the following.

Write guest articles

One of the most general ways to get links between bloggers is the famous guest posting.
It is broadly about writing as a guest author on some other professional’s blog in the field and vice versa.
If you want to do this, there are several points that you must take into account.

  • Verify that the blogs are of similar themes
  • Seek mutual benefit
  • Write the best article about your life.
  • Do not repeat this practice many times in the same blog.

Buy sponsored items

Another of the easiest ways to get links is, of course, to buy sponsored articles. A sponsored post is when you pay a blogger to write a text on a topic related to the link you want to share. The methodology is simple, you contact the owner of a blog and ask if they offer this service, write, pay, and that’s it. There are even marketplaces where you can sign up and place your order; the platform will take care of everything else.

Like the previous point, avoid abusing this practice. Your links should reflect a natural, gradual growth.
In other words, don’t go crazy and buy 500 links at once. Look for two in one month, three the next, and so on. Finally, and very importantly, buy articles on sites related to your theme. That is, if your blog is about sports, do not buy links on an art site, for example.

Buy links

Similar to the previous point, but not the same, is the purchase of links. However, the substantial difference between this previous point is that you do not need an article here. You buy the link, and the person who sells it places it somewhere on their website.

You must be very careful with this, since 9/10 times, these sites are penalized, and if they are not, they will soon be. It will, of course, affect your rankings, plus it can lead to a penalty as well. The correct way to buy links is to do it organically on relevant sites, that is, in the same way as buying sponsored articles.

What is SEO for digital marketing?

I think it is already clear why SEO is necessary at this point in the note. But I will leave it here in a simple way if it is not yet. SEO will help you get free organic visits to your website, that simple. The optimization of your web page will make you place yourself in the search engine’s top positions. Once there, those views can be translated into clicks. There are people who, even today, do not give importance to SEO. They Prefer to focus on SEM, which offers paid results.

It is fine if you need immediate results –as is the case with sales, for example-; However, even with the “rush,” an SEO strategy must be considered to keep getting visits. It is necessary to say that SEO is one of the most valued techniques in digital marketing. Almost every marketer’s objective is to make their content position organically to continue receiving their blog visits. Of course, it is not to say that search engine optimization is not appreciated in other fields of blogging. SEO is the key to digital marketing and any blog that talks about the subject -marketing. It is sure to have its section for SEO.


SEO is a process by which your website will appear more attractive to Google and other search engines. It is really important to have it well if you want some visits from them to reach you. However, you shouldn’t put your blog’s quality aside to focus on search engine optimization or over-optimization. When a user isis satisfied with the content, you manage on the website, and he will return. The more visits your blog will arrive, the more likely Google will validate your content as quality.
What else would you like to know about SEO? Don’t forget to leave me your comments.

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