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What is Domain and Hosting to Run a Website - BOSS SOLUTION

March 8, 2019


What is domain and Hosting to run a website? Everything you should know before buying a hosting and domain

If you have never created a website or blog from scratch. You likely have not come across these terms that often sound like Chinese. However, with this post, we have the firm intention of clearing all your doubts. Going to update before buying a hosting and domain for the first time.

What is hosting?

Hosting or web hosting is an information storage service (files, images, emails, videos, etc.) on the World Wide Web (www). It is also known as the Internet. Or, in simpler words, Hosting is what allows us to make our information keep on a website available to everyone to visit through an Internet connection by following the website URL.

Many companies offer this service. So, you will have to assess the project’s current and future needs to contemplate all the possibilities. And hire or purchase the most appropriate affordable hosting. There is free Hosting by donation, only valuable for bloggers without business pretensions. Services focused on shared hosting, virtual servers, dedicated servers, and hosting in the cloud or cloud hosting.

What types of hosting exist for web pages?

One of the most common difficulties is to find the difference between the different types of hosting providers that exist to host web pages can offer us. For this reason, below, we briefly describe each of them:

Shared Hosting:Shared Hosting is a server whose hard drive (HDD, SSD, NVMe SSD) is divided into many folders with a specific mega-capacity (Resources). Each of them is destined for a website—the webs hosted on the shared server; they share the CPU, the RAM megabytes, Bandwidth, and the internet connection.

Free Hosting: It is the one offered by WordPress in its free version, for example, but has its limitations in design, URL, plugins, etc. They have usually shared server hosting.

Virtual servers:In this case, the hard disk and the RAM are distributed among the different websites hosted on the server. Also, the idea is that you pay for a plan with a specific capacity where you can host several websites as long as you do not go beyond the mega hired.

Dedicated servers:It is a server 100% dedicated to your project with a Ram, CPU, and connection.

Cloud hosting: In this case, what you pay is the time of use of specific resources, so you can expand and lower the capacity at any time, being ideal for projects with high scalability at the webserver level, such as e-commerce.

What is the domain?

An internet domain is an identification associated with an IP address, which points to a piece of particular information or web. Therefore, our websites without domain would be complicated IP addresses to remember. For example, boss-solution.com would be, an IP that can also be associated with several websites.

It is worth differentiating between what is the domain name (Example: boss-solution.com), the top-level domain name (Example: .com), and the URL or uniform resource locator (Example: https://boss-solution.com/ ).

It is also essential to know that there are different types of domains:

Generic or top-level domains (gTLDs): .com (business site), .org (non-profit organization), .net (Internet service company), .info (informational site), and .biz (business site ).

Geographic domains (ccTLD): .es (Spain), .mx (Mexico), .ar (Argentina), .co (Colombia) …

If you want to know how looks third level domains (3rd level TLDs): .com.es, .net.bd, .org.es, .com.mx, .edu.mx, .co.in, etc. …

IMPORTANT! Do not rush to buy the domain too fast; probably, the hosting plan you hire includes registering a free domain during the first year of hire.

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