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What is Joomla (CMS) and why you will use - BOSS SOLUTION

March 8, 2019


Joomla is the leading web creation tool, it is the most awarded Content Manager (CMS) worldwide, there are more than 30 million web pages created with Joomla, and you have more than 10,000 components at your disposal that will allow you expand the functionalities of your website with new options such as a virtual store, sending newsletters, forums, image galleries and endless possibilities that do not stop growing.

Joomla allows you to manage your entire website easily, create a new section, modify current ones, add new images, create new menu options and almost anything you may need can be done quickly and without having technical knowledge, knowing Word or an editor of texts you can manage your website.

Joomla is free software (Open Source), you can use it for free, and 95% of Joomla’s components are also free. Currently, Joomla is for version 3.x, and in Hosting Cpanel, you can install Joomla in 1 click.

And most importantly, our team is here to help you in everything, we are experts in Hosting for Joomla, insecurity and we offer you the service of creating Web with Joomla.

Frequent questions:

What is a content management system?

A content management system is a software that maintains the traceability or monitoring of each piece of content on a website, much like a public library that stores books and keeps track of them. The content can be text, photos, music, video, various documents, or anything similar that you want to manage. One of the biggest advantages of using a CMS is that it does not require technical skills to manage the content as the software takes care of the technical details.

What are some of the web applications that can be made with Joomla?

Joomla is used worldwide for the construction of websites of all kinds, for example:

Corporate sites and portals

Corporate intranets and extranets

Online magazines, newspapers, and publications

E-commerce and reservations

Government Applications

Small Business Websites

NGO websites

Portals for communities

Schools and Churches Websites

Personal websites and blogs

I need to build a website for a client; how can Joomla help me?

admin_thJoomla is designed for a simple installation; also, from the hosting account of Golitespeed.com, you can install Joomla even more easily through an installation wizard, obtaining a website configured by default quickly.

Since Joomla is simple to use, as a web developer or web designer, you can quickly build professional websites for your clients. Plus, with a minimal amount of effort and instruction, you can empower your customers to update website content themselves.

If your customers need specialized functionality, Joomla is highly extensible software through thousands of extensions, most of them available from the Joomla Extension Directory.

How am I sure Joomla will be supported in the future?

cms-awardJoomla is currently the most popular CMS, with a very active and growing community of users and developers. Joomla’s roots date back to 2000, and currently, with over 200,000 users and contributors as part of the community, the future looks bright for the award-winning Joomla Project.

I am a developer, are there any advanced ways I can use Joomla?

mvc_diagram_thMany companies and organizations have requirements that are not covered by the default functionality that Joomla brings; in these cases, the powerful Joomla application framework makes it possible for developers to create sophisticated applications and extensions that increase the functionality and power of Joomla.

The core of the Joomla framework allows developers to build applications quickly, some applications like:

Inventory control systems

Data reporting systems

Integrative applications

Custom product catalogs

E-commerce systems

Directory systems

Reservation Systems

Communication system

Joomla is based on PHP and Mysql, so you build applications on a free software platform; anyone can use GPL to share these applications. For more information about the Joomla framework, visit Joomla Developer Network.

Joomla seems to be the solution for me; how do I get started?

You can start by reviewing the following content to learn how to create and manage websites with Joomla:

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